Compassion 2.0 has set up a channel on Daily Haloha for our community to receive daily prompts on Compassion, Empathy, Perspective Taking, Self Awareness and Self Compassion.

Can a mobile app restore empathy?  We don’t yet know but that is the mission of Daily Haloha.  It brings us together through a daily ritual of simultaneous reflection and sharing, sparked by a single thought-provoking question to the world each day.

Compassion 2.0 has a channel on Daily Haloha, and you can sign up, and join the community to explore topics of interest around Compassion 2.0 and the Flourishing Framework.

It is free without any hidden subscription fees. And we won't be tracking you or doing anything with your data.

It is a cool app and we want to build community.

About our Daily Haloha Community Channel

Daily Haloha is a digital platform for social wellbeing that fosters acceptance, belonging, and an empathic relationship with self and others. We invite participants to look inward and share outward - anonymously, and free of judgment and status - via a simple daily routine sparked by one question to the world each day.

Daily Haloha is on a mission to strengthen social wellbeing and rekindle empathy. We’re building a collaborative experience around a single daily fill-in-the-blank question designed to inspire reflection, curiosity, and discovery.

The Problem

Connection and belonging are essential to our wellbeing. While we are more “connected” than ever, loneliness and anxiety are on the rise, and empathy and social wellbeing are on the decline.

Solution and Product

Daily Haloha is a simple and refreshing response. The app unites the world and communities in reflection and sharing with a single daily thought-provoking question. The app’s 3-part flow connects us more deeply to ourselves and others:

how does it work?

Step 1 -  Reflection: Reflect on the day's question and “fill in the blanks with you”. Give it a mood color and send off your Haloha.

Step 2 - Connection: Your Haloha will be delivered anonymously to one other person in the Compassion 2.0 community. Surprise! You instantly get one back from someone else. Select a Response sticker so the sender feels seen.

Step 3 - Community: Then see the responses from the rest of the Compassion 2.0 Community on the Haloha Wall.

Built by Compassion 2.0 Guild Member

What is it about colorful sticky notes on a wall that draw people together? Always curious, when I saw the Subway Therapy sticky note project on the walls of a NYC subway station, and the way passersby were elevated by the experience, I had to investigate.

What I found out is that participatory art and story-sharing projects have a unique ability to uplift and connect anonymous strangers in a moment of shared humanity. And what can be more important right now, when loneliness and anxiety are on the rise and wellbeing and empathy are on the decline?

I saw the opportunity to create a shared experience platform that connects people quite differently than what social media offers. My curiosity became a calling, and the calling became the Daily Haloha mobile app. Seeing the beautiful humanity being expressed in the app, and reading the heartfelt reviews of our growing community tells us we’re on the right track. We’re ready to be more us and less them.

Throughout my extensive career as an executive and management consultant, I have focused on finding and instilling common purpose and connection, and creating conditions for individuals and organizations to thrive. My current project, Daily Haloha, melds together my expertise in strategy, leadership, analytics and technology, and my passion for bringing people together.